What Moms REALLY Want for Mother's Day
For one day each year, we collectively celebrate the mothers (and found mother figures in our lives). After reading a post recently about "what mom really wants for Mother's Day", I thought I'd put my spin on the idea myself (and, of course, throw a reallllllly awesome TCC Mother's Day discount code your way if your fashionista mom would love some amazing new clothes as a gift!).
So...what do moms REALLY want for Mother's Day? Here are my top 5 ideas!
Five Things Mom Really Wants for Mother's Day
The Chance to Sleep in
Image credit: risescience.com
As the mom of a BUSY 4 year old who thinks 6 AM is an ideal wake up time (spoiler alert: it's not), my daily morning routine involves a zombie-like shuffle to my Nespresso machine as my little one runs/yells/toddlers around me. I can't even imagine how moms of more than one little do it--y'all are superheroes, seriously! Breakfast in bed is a sweet idea and all, but what I'd REALLY love is to actually get the chance to sleep in and have Daddy handle the morning energy for a change (though if you are listening, Honey, a triple shot espresso skinny latte left silently on the nightstand is a lovely idea...haha).
No Housework
Image credit: nextdaycleaning.com
Moms everywhere will tell you that housework is, quite literally, never-ending. When you have kids, the second you clean something, it gets dirty again almost instantaneously (and for those of us with pets, it genuinely doesn't matter how much you vacuum...there will ALWAYS be fur...shoutout to my Golden Retriever mix, Teddy). The absolute last thing mom wants to worry about on her special day? Dishes. Or laundry. Or vacuuming. Or scrubbing toilets. Or...you get it. Consider treating mom to the ULTIMATE Mother's Day gift this year, and deep clean (or hire a maid service to deep clean) her home. Trust me, this is a gift that she will love, and one she will never forget.
No Cooking
Image credit: cnn.com
This is kind of a no-brainer, but unless she uses cooking as a form of therapy or artistic expression, your mamma probably does NOT want to be the one who has to cook on Mother's Day. If you aren't the best cook in the world, definitely consider treating your mother to take out on her special day (and it goes without saying, make sure she doesn't have any dishes to do afterwards, either!).
Time to Herself
Image credit: azurepalmhotsprings.com
Hear me out on this--moms DO want to spend time with their families on Mother's Day. However, I can tell you from personal experience, that we also want this togetherness balanced with some time to ourselves. It doesn't need to be expensive--maybe we just want a few hours to read a magazine or book, or go to the bathroom without interruptions whenever we want for one whole day. However, if it's financially doable for you, treating mom to a spa day is a great option (just make sure it's something she really wants...I know it sounds crazy, but spa days actually aren't as relaxing as you might think for certain folks). Make sure to let mom know that you have blocked out time for her to relax how she relaxes best, whatever that looks like...I can promise you, a gesture like that will help her feel "seen" (which is something that is often hard for moms.
A Day to do the "Fun Parent Stuff"
Image credit: iMOM.com
Moms have to spend lots of time being the "bad cop" on a regular basis. From shooing the kids out the door to school in the mornings, dealing with whining over meals, potty training debacles and messes, to any and everything in between, I can tell you from experience that sometimes being a mom feels mired in the "hard stuff". What would mom REALLY enjoy for Mother's Day? Give her a chance to focus on the fun mom stuff for a change--the pretend play, the reading stories, and the creative activities she probably longs to do, and rarely has the time to enjoy with her kiddos.
A Special Note in Closing...
I always feel that it is incredibly important to add a gentle reminder to everyone as Mother's Day approaches that this day can be extremely hard for many women, and it can be easy for people to overlook this fact. Please take a moment this week to reflect not just on your own mom, but also to think about which women in your life have acted in mom-like ways to bless you.
Many women suffer through Mother's Day in silence. Women who are single and never found a partner to share their life/make a child with; women who have lost children; women whose bodies have never given them the opportunity to create a child; single moms who just KNOW that Mother's Day is going to be another reminder of how alone they feel...all of these scenarios just a few examples of women who genuinely struggle ever time Mother's Day comes around. Often, they hide this pain behind a smile, and no one knows that they are hurting deeply inside.
I'd like to gently encourage you to think about the women in your life who might fit the descriptions above. Consider doing something special for them, too--maybe surprise them with flowers or a meal; maybe offer to take them out to eat or surprise them with a self-care day. Whatever it is decide to do, just know that by letting them know that you SEE them; you see their struggle even if they have never found the words to be able to share it, might be life-giving for them on what is usually a painful, painful day. If any of this describes you, please know that you are not alone, and that you are loved in ways you can't even imagine. This day is for you, too, and I pray that you have a village around you to help you see that.
However you decide to celebrate the moms and the mom-figures in your life this weekend, know that they are grateful for you...we here at TCC are grateful for you (and them!) too. As our special gift to you, use discount code MOM20 for a special 20% discount on some of our most popular items and styles...and know that we are celebrating you always.
With love,
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