Fall into Fitness

Ok, so, maybe not the most original title, but I'm tired. Haha (no, but really, I'm tired).
Fall is the season of everything delicious--pumpkin spice lattes, apple cider donuts, pies, fritters, turnovers, Thanksgiving feasts, etc.--not to mention the Christmas and Hanukkah feasts and treats that come immediately after. How's a girl to stay fit with so much deliciousness always around?
With the current pandemic, many people who used to work out at the gym are finding that their options are more limited. Even though gyms have opened up, many people don't feel safe returning just yet. I've seen some individuals turn to some pretty creative workout ideas instead in the absence of their normal classes.
Take my husband, for example. While he very much misses going to the gym to "pick things up and put them down" (his words), he resorted to using the monkey bars at the gym down the street to do body weight exercises instead. He kills two birds with one stone this way--he gets a great full body workout, and gives our new neighbors a morning show.
When it comes to workouts, this is my mantra: It's easier than you might think! You don't need to be a CrossFit champ or take a million fitness classes to be your fittest self. My personal workout of choice? Simply making the time to walk in my neighborhood at a brisk pace for 30+ minutes a day, 4-6 days a week (on average).
According to 1md.org, "for the average person just looking to stay fit and healthy, all you need is a thirty-minute walk [per day]." Walking also has been proven to boost mental health, immunity, and reduce stress (among other benefits).
The beauty of walking (especially in the Fall!) is that you can literally do it anywhere--inside when the weather is colder, outside when it's mild. I'm so grateful that I live in a neighborhood with both ample sidewalks AND walking trails--not mention two different playgrounds IN the neighborhood that I can walk to with my little sidekick. The beauty of using brisk walking as a main source of cardio is--besides being just about the most effective lazy workout you can do--it's easy to fit into almost everyone's schedule. Whether you take a quick walk on your lunch break during the work day, or you're a busy mom walking to the park with your kid(s) instead of driving there, finding half an hour a day for a walk is most likely doable.
I have found that routine is as important to my daughter as it is to me. Almost every morning since moving to our new house in June and discovering how incredible the neighborhood is for walking, I pack my sidekick into her stroller, and we take off. I incorporate my morning cardio with her morning outdoor play time, so we both win!
In addition to walking, I also aim to do an intense, targeted ab workout 1-2 times a week. My personal favorite workout videos to target everything--arms, abs, thighs, you name it--come from a trainer named Rebecca Louise. All of the videos are FREE on Youtube, they are all brief (10-15 usually), and they are INTENSE but doable. Plus, she has the most delightful British accent...it's a win/win. Search "Rebecca Louise Fitness" on Youtube, and trust me, you won't be disappointed!
There you have it folks! A shorter blog post today, but hopefully it helped you to see that you don't need to fear fitness, or think of it as some lengthy and complicated thing--it's OK to have a simple routine!
Sending everyone lots of love in this season--I know things are stressful. Remember that just as important as physical health is your mental health (and, as mentioned above, getting physical can help with that too!). Take time for yourself whenever you can, and make yourself a priority. Remember, you can't serve others from an empty cup; take the time to fill yourself up.
See you next time,
-Em <3
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